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Nov 12: Quality of Health Information on the Inter


CHDB ( 10/5/2007 10:23:17 AM )


Register now for our 2007 workshop, Quality of Health Information on the Internet –10 years on! It will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Bethesda, MD on Monday, November 12, 2007. This 1-day workshop will continue and expand the discussion that the Institute began in our previous workshop, held in 1997. In the last 10 years, the internet has become one of the most essential tools for communicating and searching for information. At the 2007 workshop, healthcare experts, representative of interested organizations, and consumers will:

Analyze changes and issues regarding web-based health information and services
Share the methods organizations used to publish and evaluate health information on the internet
Discuss how to improve the quality and utility of health information on the internet.

The workshop format is interactive: the Institute will provide a forum in which experts and representatives of interested organizations can discuss current issues regarding health information on the internet. The workshop format is intended to stimulate exploration of ideas and to create a framework to facilitate policy decision-making. Select presentations by experts will start the workshop to set the scene for the discussions that will follow.

The registration fee is $195.00 (which includes all meals and materials); a reduced fee may be available for qualifying non-profit organizations representing consumers. We will acknowledge your registration on receipt.

Please duplicate or forward registration material to colleagues! For more information, please visit our website,, or contact the workshop coordinator at 301-320-0965 or



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